Tuesday 28 July 2009

Blogging Finding Your Niche

SEO - Search Engine Optimisation

As the Internet gets more competitive, effective SEO techniques will be viewed as a subset of marketing. That is why I have decided to create a full SEO training program covering: keyword selection, domain names, on page and off page optimisation, blogging, site architecture, analytics, pay per click, link building and much, much more, including some advanced SEO techniques.

What is my niche?

The most important challenge you have when first starting out with an online business, is deciding what your site will be about. What is your niche?

So you need to find a particular spot in business world where you can stand out and make some money! For instance there are millions of sites out there selling shoes, but how many sell gortex, breathable running shoes, which may be an interest of yours?

If your website concentrates on selling shoes in general then it will not stand out from the crowd, but specialising in a smaller niche you will find yourself in a market that has much less competition.

This is your niche, and a means to be found much more quickly online.

So how do you determine you own niche?

What do you like doing? Do you have any hobbies? What are you good at? What are your skills? It is important to understand that you can make a living online from something you enjoy.

Are you good at DIY or gardening? Do you play football or enjoy running? What interests you, science, nature, walking? For instance I have always had an interest in the weather, so I built a website about World Weather . And I am also a Hypnotherapist, so of course I have a Hypnotherapy site which sells hypnosis downloads as well as being my business site.

So think of the things you enjoy, and they can be your niche. Jot your interests down as you think of them, as sometimes you don't realise that you have any hobbies or interests! Or maybe you will find some new interest while you are doing this, and decide you want to learn more and make this your niche.

If you have a passion for the niche you are working on then this really does help you through some of the hard work and struggles you may face. It gives you the motivation you need to succeed.

If you are wondering whether or not there is a market for your particular area of interest, then I can assure you the answer is yes! The internet is a phenomenal place with information and products about just about anything you can think of. So long as you are willing to put in the time and effort to learn more about your niche, you can become a leader in your market.

And with the internet all the information you could ever need is right at your fingertips!

Maybe you could start with a general topic and narrow it down a little. For instance with my weather site I soon realised that there was a great interest in extreme weather and Tornadoes...so I optimised a couple of pages for these subjects, added some weather gadgets from my Amazon affiliate account and started to see sales. As you build your site your areas of specialisation will develop before you.

Once you have narrowed down your list of topics to something quite specific remember that visitors to your site will be expecting more general information too. People visiting my weather site looking at Tornadoes may also want to learn about rain, wind and snow...so give them this information!

If you need help on finding a niche then feel free to email me and I will help you. Just email me at mark@blogyourworld.com

If you like the information contained in this article then please feel free to subscribe to my newsletter at www.blogyourworld.com

Go to Mark Boardman’s href="http://www.blogyourworld.com">blog to find out how to start your own blog business.
